When my job is really fun is when I don’t really plan or try too hard. It’s effortless, no second guessing. Just do it.
I went to get a snack. I always use these small bowls because, well, I just love them. I love little things but don’t get me started on that. I looked at my little bowl of cherries and that was it. I just had to paint them.
And so that’s exactly what I did. I picked one of my favorite cloth napkins, set my light and paint pallet and lost myself in the process. Time goes away. Sometimes I don’t know if I’ve been painting an hour or four hours. Today is the day after I take a medication for RA. Sometimes that’s a rough day for me so losing myself is just what I need.
So I try hard to not overwork things AND I really wanted my snack.
And then there was one. Let’s hope my next snack is inspirational. Available soon on my site.